Dear Gregory

Letters to Gregory... new things you can do, people you've met and places you've been.

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Happily married to Paul :D, Mother to Gregory 23/10/05 and Mother to Mitchell 5/4/07

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A 6+ monthly update

Hey Greggie (and anyone else who reads this)
Its been a while - since Christmas! and its getting close to Christmas again! (oh Dear!)

We've moved house, you and Mitch are now sharing a room & enjoying it lots. As soon as we told you this was 'our house' you called it 'our house' and kept asking to 'go to our house' which was just fantastic :o) You've 'helped' us put up the new curtains in your room and have adjusted wonderfully to the move - except at night time - you were both going great until early last week you discovered that you are both in the same room and have someone to chat too!!
It is great now that we have a driveway out in the yard for both you and Mitch to ride your bikes safely on. We also now have a cubby house and you think its just so much fun!!

We head to playgroup on Tuesdays and you know where we are going and get very excited - Mitchell takes your lead and gets very excited too - kicking legs and giggling while you yell out praygrop! (*playgroup*). Your favourite things to play with are the bikes and the sandpit, although lately you're really enjoying joining in the craft, songs and books.

You're still going to E.I. and LOVE it :o) Dad and I have been doing a course there about teaching you how to talk - its amazing how much more you're talking in the last few months and many others have noticed too.

You are just growing up so fast! I can't believe that you'll be turning 3 in just over a months time.

You're starting to learn colours - Dad isnt impressed that you know what the colour PINK is first! hahaha! Oh well :o) You also can count to 6 - and to ten too if you are concentrating (not just rattle off the numbers but have 1-1 correspondence *teacher talk* hahaha)

You love being a big brother - whenever you and Mitch spend time apart (even just for a sleep) you ALWAYS greet him with a big cuddle and most times a kiss on the cheek too *aww* its lovely to see.

I hope this helps satisfy the blog-readers - if only for a little while ;)
Love you lots my big boy!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christmas & New Year

Dear GreggieHey, You had a great Christmas.... although you learned who Santa was you weren't really interested in having your photo with him.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Another long time no blog..

My Goodness Gregory!
I have neglected this blog a little of late - so much has happened!!

You turned 2 years old! Had a wonderful THOMAS birthday. All your Grandparents and cousins were here for your party - your Great Gran A, U.Grum, A.Lynda, U.Michael, A.Megs, U.Andy. Also your friends from playtime - Sharon, Michael, Makayla, Matthiea and Daniel and some other wonderful friends. You had a Thomas cake, got a backpack, little lounge, train-set, Wiggles Car, and lots of other wonderful presents.
Your birthday at Playtime

Cutting your cake at your 2nd Birthday Party

You are growing up so much - started the 'terrible two's' only the day after your party - tantrums.... and you continue this at the most 'convenient' (NOT!) times. Along with the terrible two's is the 'big boy' who helps mummy. You love helping when you can especially when it comes to being near Mitchell. There has been many times where you are just so helpful...... (maybe!! lol! Things take so much longer but its better then the tantrums!)

We've done some really special things including:
*I took you and Gran A to the local Japanese Gardens 5 year anniversary. We had a lovely time - you had an icecream, we saw some duckies and watched the pipe band play. You also made a flower arrangement and saw the Japanese kites flying.
Looking at the kites

*FDC Christmas party at the park - they had a jumping castle and you just did NOT want to get off (a far cry from your first time where you screamed until you got off!! lol). You also saw Santa who gave you some lollies. *sticky and yummy*
Speaking of Santa - you don't seem to like him much at the moment - even with the enticement of a toy car you won't go near him! It's been 3 weeks since I started trying to get a Santa photo of you and your brother - and I'm still trying!! argh!

*went swimming at A.Lynda and U.Grums pool again - you did enjoy it this time. I think it helped that Jared, Chelsea and U.G were already happy in the pool. We put you into one of the floating ring seats and you had a great time!! You giggled heaps when Mitchell jumped into the other ring and bumped into you a few times.
The other water you've been in has been Gran and Grandads new spa. There is a little water fountain that you just love playing with - you dont like going over the deep part AT ALL - although Mitchie would prefer it - especially if he is in the floating ring :o)

At E.I. you've learned how to go up a slipperydip and come down safely, been encouraged on the swing (yay!) and walking up and down stairs. They have also taught you how to throw and catch which is really good fun!! The other thing you like is the t-ball game with the bat and ball - although you get frustrated that you have to ASK for more to have another go!!

It was great at the park today to see you climbing the BIG play equipment by yourself (and encouraging the younger kids!) and going down the swirling slide all by yourself!. A.Pam came and helped you on the swing - something you haven't ever liked before but I had LOTS of trouble getting you off there to go home.

On other news:
*Lately you have learned to say "mum/mummy" and continue to whine this ALL THE TIME!
*When driving in the car you and Mitchell hold hands and smile at each other!
*You have learned to blow kisses, give kisses, and give hugs - especially to your Dad and Mum!
*You are enjoying Family Day care. Built up a real relationship with your daycare mum - you blew her a goodbye kiss yesterday.
*Most sleep times are good - as you know what is expected, you get teddy and a drink and you climb up into bed, head on the pillow and blow me a kiss *awww*!!

You helped me make Christmas cards this year - you had such a great time!

After a busy time making cards, Chelsea and You chilling on your bike - together!

Must go check on you both now.
Love you lots!

Monday, October 15, 2007

2007 Bathurst 1000

Hey Greggie,
We've been up to lots (and I've been a slacker yes I know!).
We went for a little 'holiday' to Bathurst for the 1000. It was great fun. The race week actually started on Wednesday at Supercheap when you met Russell Ingal - although you didn't seem too impressed by meeting him - although were so excited when we put his poster up on your wall!!!
Anyhows, we (Dad, Mitchell, you and me) headed down to Bathurst Mount Panorama, on Friday morning and stopped in to see Julie. We ended up picking her up and taking her with us too. We knew that you would be excited to see everything - cars, planes, big trucks and such but we weren't prepared for the HUGE "CAAAAAAAARS!" followed by extreme hyper-ventilation of excitment as we came over the hill and saw the Mount Panorama sign. (I spose it didn't help that seeing as Dad has been home you've been watching the last Bathurst races on the tv over the last 2 weeks! LoL!)
After finally parking and getting the stroller through the entrance, a helicopter flew over-head and you went skitz telling everyone about it. In the end I wasn't sure if you were more excited by the cars or the helicopters and planes!!
We waited in line (yes again) for some signatures including Mark Scaife, Glen Seton & Craig Lowndes. You high fived them and got another photo with Lowndes, who was also more than happy to sign the photos of you and him from last year!! Wow! Photos with the Bathurst winner 2 years in a row! :o) (Pity he drives a ford now.......... )
We stopped for lunch and you were so well behaved! After this we went and watched the qualifying, sitting right between the start/finish line and the final corner.
We got home to find out that Julie had spoilt you and Mitchell and bought you each a Holden 'Rory' lion! (I admit I spoilt you two as well as I bought a couple of 'car' shirts :oP Which you LOVE!)
Uncle Graham joined us at Julies for the night and after such a big day you slept very well. Julie looked after you on & Mitchie on Saturday while your Dad and I went to the races together. You were so well behaved - although you didn't want to eat anything but apples all day! lol!!
Dad and I picked you back up on our way back home - you were EXHAUSTED, but happy to see us. It was about 1 1/2 hrs from Julies home and you fell asleep 10mins from home. Both you and Mitchell didn't wake when we stopped the car and Dad was able to get you out and put you to straight to bed.
I found out the hard way on Sunday (as Dad had gone back to Bathurst for the race with U.Andy) that you had been sick during the early morning and continued to be sick for Sunday :o(.

(I have tried to upload pics but its being silly again so i'll try again soon)
We have now put your 'car' posters up in your room and everytime someone comes to the house you have to show them your room and the CARS!! You also like to pretend to 'roar' at the Rory lion - it is soooooo cute.
Luv ya..... Can't wait til next year - Murphy to win eh?
xox Mummy xox

Monday, September 24, 2007


Hey Mr Greggie.
You're such a big boy now - sleeping in the big bed for both day and night sleeps now. Last week you helped me pack up the cot. When we changed the sheets you chose the Tazzie doona cover and lay down on your pillow all excited!
We also put some posters up in your room - nothing less than v8 supercars!! You were so excited that after we put them up you went and told dad and showed him 6 times in 15 mins!!! Also anytime someone new came to the house you told them car! and pointed to your room and took them in to show them..... it was quite funny! You also now have a picture of an plane and the sesame street characters too - you can (sorta) say cookie (as in cookie monster).

You've also started family day care (FDC). It's really lucky that your career picks you up and drops you back off afterwards too! You attend on Thursdays. The first day you came home and walked in the front door I mentioned to you that Mitchell was on the loungeroom floor and you ran in and gave him huge cuddle. You both smiled and giggled at each other and started a real conversation as if to say "how was your day?" & "what were you up to?".

You now sit at the dining table for meals (not in the high chair very much) on a small booster. You think you are just sooooo cool, just one of us now :o).
Must scoot

Friday, September 07, 2007

Big boy in the BIG BED

Heya Mr Greggie,
Its been a fun week or so. There is a lot happening at the moment.
You've started saying a lot more words and identifying sooooooo many pictures. Yesterday you came out with crocodile (or close too!), and bird and heaps of others. We went outside and you were able to find the trees and birds and planes. You were even brave enough to touch a tree!! Very hesitant, You also touched a few other trees and plants, all with different leaves and textures, it was great to watch your reaction.
The big news is that...... you slept in the BIG bed last night. Yesterday you helped me set up the safety rail, make the bed, put all the toys & your pillow there ready for a sleep. At bedtime last night, Daddy and I both came in and climbed on the bed with you and we all read a story before dad said night and turned off the light. You and I lay down and you cuddled me and teddy and bunny. After a couple of minutes, I left you laying down under the blanket. I kissed you goodnight and told you how proud I am of you.
I came back to check you about 15 mins later and you were sound asleep!! You did stir through the night but managed to put yourself back to sleep! Well done. This morning I was up with Mitchell and you woke up and I had left your door and loungeroom door unlatched and you came out and joined us all by yourself! It was lovely to see you walk through the door when you were ready! *hugs*
Anyhow, I should go & organise your brekky, Mitchell and the things for the day.
Luv ya my BIG BOY (all growing up waaaaaaay too quickly!)
(Oh i will add some photos when i get them from the camera!)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You are funny!
Watching Raggs on TV (A show with big costume dogs & a puppet cat) - the cat was askign some children some jokes.... you laughed at the jokes whenever the cat did! oh my!! such a fake laugh but you knew to laugh!! You are so cheeky!